
Futtertrocknung specializes in drying and processing grass into animal feed. Products such as pellets and bales are sold throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland or taken back by farmers. With over 600 members, the cooperative is one of the most efficient plants in Germany.
Orders are recorded by telephone and noted in paper lists. Weather changes and machine defects cause postponements and high communication costs. Inaccurate quantities and individual customer conditions lead to planning uncertainty.
Development of a web-based platform that enables members to manage and communicate grass and drying bookings online. Short-term appointment changes via WhatsApp broadcasting. Connection to SAP Business One for synchronizing members and orders.
“Using WhatsApp for a B2B application is a cool experience. The communication is fast & direct and is very well received by the users - literally.

Online booking system with interactive calendar.
Members can book delivery and drying like movie tickets, recording data such as product, name, location, area/quantity, delivery type, date and time. The booking is made graphically via a calendar that shows anonymous free time slots.
WhatsApp Broadcasting.
Confirmation and information system with mass notifications to affected customers.
SAP Business One connection.
Master data for the 600 members is synchronized from the ERP system and orders are returned.


